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HomeLeague Manager > Starting A League: Wk1 Score Processing

Starting A League: Week 1 Score Processing

When starting a league, you may not know any of the teams or bowlers prior to week 1 of league. So here is a guide to starting a league and processing scores for week 1 when this occurs.


1.  Create League


2. Create Empty Teams: You’ll need to create teams with no bowlers, so you can follow the create team wizard and skip the adding bowlers section, by just clicking Create on the second tab.


3.  Build Rosters and Send to Front Desk


4.  Open league on lanes at bowling center


5.  As bowlers arrive for league, enter their names directly on the lanes or at the front desk on the appropriate team.


6.  Follow the typical score processing steps according to your bowling center’s scoring system, and all bowlers will appear as changes made on lanes that need verification.


7.  Go through the verify changes made on lanes process by identifying bowlers as subs, or updating them as rostered bowlers by adding them to the team.

Verify Subs (1st wk processing After)jpg
Verify Subs (1st wk processing Before).j
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