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HomeLeague Manager > Adding a League Message

Adding a League Standings Message

Add a message to be displayed on standings sheets.


1. Navigate to your Dashboard and click "Manage Leagues"










2. Select the league you’d like to update


3. Click the Edit button next to the league name on the top












4. Move to the last page of the edit rules menu labeled Misc.. Here you will find a text box for a League Message. Insert your League Message into this text box.


5. Update the league rules and then select to move back to the league.















6. Let’s add the league message now to your league standings template. Click on the printer icon to print out a standings sheet.










7. Select to either edit the current template you are using to select to create a new template.


8. Turn on the option for the league message






















9. Save the changes to the template and now your message will appear on the standings sheet the next time it is run.




Manager Dashboard - Manage Leagues.PNG
Edit League.png
Standings Print League Message.png
Edit League Message.png
Standings Print.png
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