Home > League Manager > Duplicate League
Duplicate League
Create leagues using information from a past league.
1. Navigate to Manage Leagues
2. Choose the league you want to duplicate, and select the corresponding Duplicate button
3. The Duplicate League Wizard will open with 4 tabs: Info, Accounting, Teams, and Substitutes.
4. Under the Info tab, populate the appropriate League Name & Start Date, then validate other fields automatically populated based on the original league.
5. On the Accounting tab, ensure all fields are accurate for the new league
6. On the Team tab, if you would like to bring the teams & bowlers from the original league, turn on the Teams toggle and validate the other team & bowler information to duplicate.
7. On the Substitutes tab, if available and you would like to bring the substitutes from the original league, turn on the subs toggle and select which subs to duplicate for the new league.
8. After validating each tab, click Duplicate