Home > League Manager > Navigating Dashboard
Get Familiar With Your Dashboard
This is the only tool you need to manage and monitor your leagues!
Your Dashboard consists of three basic sections
1. Side Bar Navigation: This is how you can navigate to different pages and views for your center.
Dashboard: This will bring you to the dashboard page shown above.
Manage Dues: Manage all the financial information for your leagues
Manage Leagues: Manage all your league rules, scoring, standings, and information.
Manage Teams: Manage all team information including rosters, lineups, entering averages, and more.,
Reporting: Generate Excel reports and exports
Settings: Update your center settings, and password.
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2. Main Dashboard: This is where centers can get a quick snapshot of leagues or bowlers they may need to review.
These three cards show your most overdue leagues ordered left to right from most overdue to least. You can also quickly access the dues and league profile for these leagues by clicking "View Dues" and "View League" on the cards.
The Top Overdue Bowlers section will list your center's most overdue bowlers, and the corresponding information for their overdue account. Emails are automatically sent out by LeaguePals to overdue bowlers, but you can also quickly contact them from here if needed.
2. Toolbar - Quick action toolbar that will follow you to every page.
Notifications: Cloud Scoring Notifications
Create: Create new leagues, teams, or push & email notifications
Search: Quickly search for a league, team, or bowler account.